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Brief: The brief's task was to find a pressing issue within society that could be resolved with the help of design. The aim was to create a brief and then provide a solution by either designing a book, website, app or anything we saw fit to carry through our vision.

My idea revolved around social media and its effect on society be it good or bad. Through primary and secondary research I found that there was just not enough information on the matter as social media is relatively new from a general perspective. 


Solution: The solution was to create a platform in the form of a webpage that allows people and particularly the younger generation (the target audience) to express their thoughts anonymously on how social media affects them. The platform would provide a question each week based on the Socratic questioning method (maieutic) for the user to ponder upon and answer. In addition, the platform would have a section for the users to talk about and share their experiences with social media use to enhance the sense of community. 

The data collected would be used by researchers in their ongoing efforts to analyse how social media affects society now and in the future.


Design: The target audience is Gen Z and therefore the language chosen represents their way of communicating, thus slang is heavily used throughout the branding. The colour palette aims to capture the eye with vibrant colours and pops of their favoured Gen Z yellow. In terms of typography, the typefaces chosen are all sans serif and blocky to make the questions stand out clear. To keep with the ''questioning'' theme a collection of characters were formed in the shape of question marks. The characters are a type of mascot for the brand that aims to make it more fun and approachable.

Poster collection
Social Media
Social Media
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