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Brochure and Poster Design
Designs made for a Hair product Supplier for their attendance at a Beauty Show 

Brief: KIHCO Salon Suppliers is a new hair product supplier company that focuses on finding and supplying new and innovative hair treatments from around the world to the Irish Market. Their request was to portray their new products in a clean and bold way at their upcoming show attendance in Ireland. There were three different products and three different brochures and roll-up posters that needed to be created for them. Two of the products that are part of the same brand had to have a cohesive yet distinctive look. For the third product, the design was slightly different in order to distinguish it from the others and echo the style of its brand.  


Design: For the first two products the client's request was to portray the products in a clean and bold way which in my perspective translated into bold typography and clean lines! The purpose of the brochure and the roll-up poster was to convey the message of the brand clearly and to attract the eye of the potential clients walking along the booths in the Beauty Show. Thus the solution was to keep it simple with a monochromatic selection of colours and the addition of a few pieces of line art. 

The last product as was mentioned above had to echo the already existing style of its brand which meant sticking closely to the brand's guidelines. 



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